Wellbeing garden to benefit students at school in Suffolk

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 14/11/2022

Melton Primary School has been gifted a new wellbeing garden by the Vertas Group and Groundwork East.

The garden was built and funded by Vertas Group companies, including Vertas, Concertus Design and Property Consultants and Opus Teach. The garden will be a major benefit to the students at Melton Primary School who will be able to enjoy a tranquil space within the school grounds.

Spending time in green space or bringing nature into students’ everyday life can benefit both mental and physical wellbeing. Melton Primary School wanted a new garden to offer the children a chance to connect with nature and give them a space to recharge and learn life skills surrounded by scented herbs, flowers, and water features. The school wanted an area that the children could be proud of, which is why students will assist in planting and nurturing some areas of the garden now that it is complete – making it their own and complementing their allotment project they have been working on.

Ian Surtees MBA FIoD, Chief Executive Officer, Vertas Group: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Groundwork East on a project that will hold such value for the local community in Melton. The wellbeing garden will be a wonderful surprise for the children when they return from their half term break, and we look forward to hearing about their enjoyment of the space. Vertas Group is committed to supporting local communities wherever it works, and we’re pleased to leave a lasting legacy in the form of this new garden for the pupils of Melton Primary School.”

As well as the Vertas Group, the project also received many kind donations from the Group’s local suppliers and contractors, which included:
• Barnes Construction
• Brock FMD Limited
• Brooks and Wood Ltd
• Morgan Sindall Construction
• SR Calver
• TNS Melton

Samantha Gooch, Business Manager, Melton Primary School: “We were delighted to hear that Melton Primary School had been chosen to deliver a new project within our grounds. We would like to sincerely thank all those who have supported the construction of our new Wellbeing Sensory Garden by giving donations, materials and their time so willingly. This fabulous new space will make a significant difference to our school community and will provide an outdoor learning environment for our children which will focus on supporting mental health and wellbeing.”

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