Vertas launches its Sustainable Procurement Policy

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 18/01/2022

Vertas Group is delighted to announce the launch of its Sustainable Procurement Policy, a statement of the total facilities management company’s commitment to making environmental, economic and socially responsible decisions in respect of its purchase of goods and services.

The new policy serves the purpose of educating the Group’s internal colleagues as well as its clients to consider sustainable procurement options when making their purchasing decisions. Its aim is also to continue to positively influence the sustainability performance and credentials of the company’s suppliers in respect of the goods and services that are procured.

As part of the policy, Vertas commits to:

  • Specify sustainable, environmentally friendly products wherever appropriate/available
  • Ensure consideration is given to the whole life costs and benefits of environmentally preferable products and services. Typically, but not limited to; manufacture, delivery, installation and operating costs including energy, water usage and maintenance
  • Ensure that suppliers sustainable environmental credentials are considered in the supplier approval process
  • Source and utilise ethically sourced/produced products e.g. Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, organic etc. where possible or practical
  • Introduce more locally sourced products into the food supply chain where available, practical or financially viable
  • Encourage suppliers to achieve environmental credentials such as environmental systems for ISO14001 or EMAS (Eco-Management Audit Scheme)
  • Work with key suppliers to encourage sustainability improvements throughout the whole supply chain; including but not limited to:
    • Avoiding products with particularly harmful substances
    • Favouring economical products with recycled content or that are biodegradable
    • Encouraging use of sustainable distribution & logistics e.g. Electric vehicles, route planning software

Dominic Warren, Head of Procurement at Vertas Group, said: “Vertas considers sustainability as well as cost and quality when choosing its suppliers. Expenditure on goods, works and services has significant economic, social and environmental impact.  Minimising our impact in these areas, and where possible having a positive influence, helps to improve local quality of life and promotes sustainable development.”

The full policy can be found here.

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