Vertas Family Supported 100%

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 30/03/2020

A lot has happened since my last update; I hope you are keeping well at this extraordinary time.

As an Executive Board and leadership team, we are responding decisively to the rapidly changing situation, as we pull together to battle the Covid-19 Global pandemic.

We will take our guidance from the government updates and advice. As you can appreciate, this is changing daily.

With many of our sites closed – from London theatres to Forestry England cafes – We have made the decision to ‘furlough’ numerous teams and individuals. This is an ongoing process but one that will be largely completed by the end of this week.

We have also made the decision that all members of the Vertas Family who have been furloughed will receive 100% of their salary, and we will continue to do this for as long as we can. This also includes our zero-hour employees.

For those furloughed we have put together a list of ‘frequently asked questions’ which will follow this announcement.

The decisions that we are making now, will support the business in the longer term. This includes how we behave and act.

To our ‘keyworkers’ still on site: in school catering and cleaning, security and those facilitating essential council work and community support, an enormous thank you from the entire Vertas Family. Your effort in the fight against Covid-19 is hugely appreciated.

Please stay home where and when you can, look after your family, support the NHS and stay safe. Together we will get through this.


Ian Surtees MBA, FIoD

Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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