Vertas becomes a Suffolk Business Ambassador as part of the Inward Investment programme

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 23/11/2015

Jo Lardent, Group Commercial Director has joined the Inward Investment Ambassadors (IIA) programme with other high profile business leaders and professionals to become Suffolk Business Ambassadors.

Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and Suffolk County Council have joined forces to launch a programme which encourages more businesses than ever to invest in the county.


The Inward Investment Ambassadors (IIA) programme is recruiting 100 high profile business leaders and professionals to become Suffolk Business Ambassadors.

“The Business Ambassadors programme will bring together people who are passionate about living and working in Suffolk.” said John Dugmore, the Chief Executive of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. “We are delighted to have so many business leaders wishing to be ambassadors who are willing to use their skills and expertise to champion our county as a top business location.”

The IIA programme is part of Invest in Suffolk which was launched by Suffolk County Council in 2013 to promote the county as a business location and respond to Inward Investment enquiries.

“I was delighted to be able to take part in the launch of the Inward Investment Ambassador programme.” said Cllr Colin Noble, Leader of Suffolk County Council at the launch of the programme where Martin Kent from the Global Operations of UKTI and CEO of Adnams Andy Wood also spoke. “A strong and vibrant business community is critical for the future growth and success of Suffolk and it was great to see such a cross section of business people at the event.”

“Companies want to hear from other successful businesses so the Ambassadors are really important in helping us attract new investment to the county.” he said.

Business at the launch were informed that the core activity of the programme is to ensure the growth of the Suffolk economy. That growth will be underpinned by the development of trade links with the local, regional, national and overseas business communities.

“Suffolk is a great location to develop and grow a business and I think this point is reinforced by the broad range of sectoral business leaders we had at the launch.” John Dugmore went onto to say. “Our Inward Investment Ambassadors includes representatives from all sectors, be that the energy to ICT sector, the services sector to retail sector, manufacturing and food and drink.”

At the launch Martin Kent from UKTI explained the Government’s view on inward investment and the role it plays in driving forward the economy of UK plc. Andy Wood from Adnams, an Inward Investment Ambassador is a representative on the British Chambers of Commerce International Trade Board and spoke about the important role Suffolk’s business leaders’ have in championing and flying the flag for Suffolk.

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