Vertas Group proud to achieve Silver Carbon Charter Award

Submitted by Connie Maddock | 20/11/2023

The Vertas Group has been accredited with the Silver Carbon Charter Award for its commitment to reducing environmental impact by implementing sustainable business practices.

The Vertas Group initially worked with Carbon Charter to identify its carbon footprint, what it’s made up of, and how to reduce it. Since then, the Group has been able to develop and implement a carbon reduction plan, striving to reach Net Zero by 2030.

Carbon Charter supports small to medium businesses throughout Suffolk to implement sustainable business practices and work towards becoming Net Zero, offering three levels of accreditation to recognise organisations committed to reducing their environmental impact.

To achieve Silver accreditation, the Group has demonstrated adequate systems are in place to measure our progress on carbon reduction, ensuring we can take proper steps to plan for the future.

Vertas Group has made significant strides, with Opus People Solutions Ltd having previously not received accreditation and Vertas and Concertus Design and Property Consultants having previously achieved bronze accreditation; we have remained more determined than ever to make further progress in our environmental efforts.

Sarah Layton, Vertas Group’s Head of Quality and Sustainability, said: “We are thrilled to have achieved the Silver Carbon Charter Award for Vertas Group. We have been working incredibly hard at all levels of the business to make changes that will reduce our carbon footprint and to be recognised for this further highlights the Group’s values and dedication to creating a sustainable future for generations to come.”

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