Introducing the Vertas Green Fingers Gardening Club!

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 08/04/2021

Is your school thinking of starting or rejuvenating a school gardening club?

Our Vertas Grounds Experts are creating the Vertas Green Fingers Gardening Club, a hub of free information, tips and hints to get your school gardening club blooming!

We’ll be putting regular articles in our bi-weekly virtual magazine, Schools’ News, so your school can get growing!

We’ll make sure you:
• Know where to put your school allotment
• Know when to sow to harvest vegetables during term time
• Learn about the environment
• Can teach your pupils how to create a ‘washing up bowl allotment’ at home

But that’s not all, we’re also running a very special competition which could see your school winning up to £50 of vegetable seeds for your school. So, sign up for our Schools’ News virtual magazine now by clicking here.

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