How Vertas Group are tackling climate change

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 15/11/2021

Operating in a sustainable way has always been close to our hearts as it’s one of our company values. We’ve recently started our journey to Net Zero, with the aim to achieve this by 2030. Net Zero means that you are putting no more carbon into the atmosphere than you are taking out of it.

Whilst COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference takes place, we want to share a few of the things we’ve done, or are doing, to tackle climate change.

  1. Launched an Environmental Strategy
    We’ve set out a road map to tackle climate change and achieve Net Zero by 2030.
  2. Removed all plastic cutlery
    We’ve removed all plastic cutlery and replaced with wooden cutlery. Saving almost 1 million pieces of single use plastic!
  3. Diverted 100% of waste away from landfill
    Diverting waste away from landfills prevents pollution that can harm our health and the environment.
  4. Removed all plastic pots
    We’ve eliminated the use of single use plastic portion pots and lids. By making this change we have removed around 1,200,000 plastic items a year!
  5. Recycle 100% of all cooking oil
    Recycling used cooking oils reduces the consumption of fossil fuels in the transport sector, and limits greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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