Honouring Armed Forces Week: Dan’s Story

Submitted by Connie Maddock | 27/06/2024

As Vertas Group reflects on the remarkable service and sacrifices made by the armed forces, the company is pleased to spotlight the stories of its ex-armed forces colleagues.

As a forces-friendly employer, Vertas Group is keen to acknowledge the unique perspectives and contributions that ex-forces colleagues bring to the business. The company strives to create a culture that celebrates diversity and values the experiences of ex-forces personnel.

As part of our effort to share colleague stories for Armed Forces Week, we spoke to Daniel Lewis, ATG National Account Manager. Dan gave us an honest insight into what it was like working in the civilian world after leaving the Royal Navy. Although not his first job post-service, Dan highlights how, at Vertas Group, he has been able to utilise and build on skills gained during his time in the military.

Thank you for agreeing to share your story. Can you tell me about your background before joining Vertas Group?

After completing my A Levels, I entered a period of uncertainty as I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. I began working in various retail/sales jobs. Even though I 

made it to a relatively senior level quite quickly, I was still left unfulfilled.

I decided to undertake a BSc in Geography at the University of Hertfordshire. I’m ashamed to say that I paid far more attention to my rugby career and socialising than my studies. Nonetheless, I have my degree! I weighed up a career in teaching or joining the armed forces. I honestly don’t know what made me pick the latter, but after six months of making sure my body was in peak physical condition, I joined the Royal Navy.

What aspects of your military background relate to your current role at Vertas Group?

The values within Vertas Group are very similar to the ones we had in the military. Naturally, the Group has more regard for empathy. I found that, at times, I had to switch my emotions off completely while serving; that was one of the most difficult things to do. I still believe that I have not fully come to terms with the psychological impact that my military service had on me.

However, I have been trained to adapt and overcome, and I firmly believe that we evolve through exposure to good and bad experiences. I regularly try to remind my colleagues of this when their work or personal life weighs heavy. I have found the same camaraderie and bonds in Vertas Group that I knew I’d find difficult to be without while serving.

How does Vertas Group provide support to veterans and ex-forces personnel post-transition?

Vertas Group have been extremely outgoing in recognition of ex-services. I have lost count of how many of my peers have thanked me for my service and asked me about my experiences. It’s very humbling to know that I’m surrounded by colleagues who recognise the bravery of our ex-forces and public services.

What skills from your service have you been able to bring to your current role?

Vertas Group has utilised and built upon the skills I obtained in the forces. This set of skills includes (but is not limited to) reasoning, de-escalation, pro-activeness, and risk assessment. I make it my mission to ensure that everyone on my team knows our strategic goals and business objectives.

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