Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust – Education Management Case Study

School Objectives

  • To implement a tailored training package that would be rolled out to both central and school staff
  • To collate questions answered at the training sessions in order to create an FAQ document that would be issued to staff
  • To obtain feedback from the training sessions in order to continually improve


Schools’ Choice Solution

  • To create a training package that was tailored to the trust and their GDPR procedures and documents
  • To deliver this training over 4 sessions in order to accommodate the schedules of both central and school staff
  • To ensure that the questions raised during the sessions and the corresponding answers were collated and issued to the school promptly along with the feedback obtained from delegates

School Benefits

  • Core staff completed a training session on the GDPR and data protection which they could then communicate at a school level. An awareness and understanding of data protection is a key requirement under the GDPR and this training promoted self-awareness and compliance
  • Questions raised were specific to the trust and individual job roles which allowed for a document containing relevant and practical questions to be issued
  • These sessions also allowed for honest dialog and considerations to be brought to the table at an early stage

We worked closely with Schools Choice to provide in-house training for GDPR.  The training was clear, precise and well delivered, the working relationship formed from this has been very good and we look forward to working with Schools Choice moving forward.

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