Our Customer Survey has Launched!

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 23/09/2020

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our annual customer survey.

The survey will be an opportunity for us to learn how our customers are feeling, what they love about the Vertas Group, and about the areas we need to improve.

We hear from many customers throughout the year that tell us our kitchen teams are fantastic and that their support is appreciated. We hear that our Schools’ Choice HR consultants are ‘life savers’ and that our grounds team are always customer focussed. We also know that sometimes we need to do better. So, we’re asking our customers to let us know anything you feel will help us keep what is great about Vertas and very importantly work on the areas that need improving.

How do I complete the survey?

If you are a current customer, you should’ve received a link to fill out the survey via email. If you haven’t received this communication and would like to complete the survey please let us know by emailing us on customerrelations@vertas.co.uk. The survey closes on 23rd October, so please submit the survey before then.

This year we are offering a prize for one lucky participant to the value of £300 which could be…

  • A delicious lunch for your team
  • A grounds artwork project
  • A fire risk assessment
  • A HR consultancy session
  • A carpet clean for your office
  • Free attendance at a safeguarding course

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey and as always please continue to send us your compliments and complaints.

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