Mile Cross – Catering Case Study

Mile Cross Primary School in Norwich were looking for a caterer that would listen and adapt to their requirements, whilst offering solutions to improve the pupil dining experience.

School Objectives

Mile Cross Primary School had a number of objectives they wanted Vertas and our primary school catering brand ‘eats’ to meet.

  • To proactively support the kitchen team to improve performance
  • To create an improved dining experience for pupils and staff
  • To increase the uptake of pupil school meals

Eats Solution

We provided Mile Cross with the following solutions to meet their objectives:

  • We assigned a new Head of Kitchen to support the current kitchen team
  • We made servery improvements including re-branding the kitchen to an eats brand, providing table cloths and cutlery baskets on all of the tables to provide an enhanced dining experience
  • We reduced the price of Key Stage 2 paid pupil meals to £1.50 per meal

School Benefits

Mile Cross saw the following benefits from our solutions;

  • The kitchen team are more efficient and the food quality has improved
  • Pupils at the end of service have food of the same quality as those at the start of service and can enjoy a dining experience that resembles an experience outside of school
  • More pupils are now enjoying a healthy lunch; a key influencer towards reducing obesity

We are excited to be working in partnership with Vertas as they share the same values as we do and are committed to creating fresh, healthy and innovative food to support the health and well-being of our children.

We chose Vertas as they listened to the children and worked to meet the school’s needs; positively encouraging us to visit other schools they provide for. The difference in the quality of the food and the eating environment was immediate.

Stuart Allen – Headteacher at Mile Cross Primary School

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