Carlton Colville Primary School – Energy Case Study

Carlton Colville Primary School is based in Carlton Colville near Lowestoft. Their meter had stopped functioning and they were not able to obtain reads to ensure accurate billing.

Our Objectives

  • To resolve their metering issue to once again be able to receive accurate billing
  • To support the school by providing energy management advice and expertise.

Our Solution

  • We arranged for the meter to be exchanged as well as additional works due to the age of the old meter
  • A new half hourly meter put in place, as the old meter also fell into the bracket of P272
  • We worked with the school through a very long process to ensure that the old meter was finally billed correctly.

Carlton Colville

The school saw some key benefits to our team supporting:

The school are now receiving accurate bills each month which has allowed them to budget their energy spend more accurately; freeing capital to spend on other more beneficial projects within the school. The school are now also benefiting from our energy management advice and expertise from our team.

After 18 months with a faulty meter, our billing issue was resolved with a saving of £16,000, which has now been utilised to support our children within the school. Whilst I do not foresee any future problems Vertas Energy team would be our first call.”

Kay Everett-Day, Business Manager

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