Supporting a greener future: Vertas contributes to the Million Trees Project

Submitted by Connie Maddock | 23/07/2024

Vertas Group supports Derbyshire County Council’s Million Tree project by providing local primary and secondary schools with free trees.

The bold initiative aims to plant one million trees by 2030 to tackle the effects of climate change.

Derbyshire County Council are now encouraging local schools to claim their free tree, providing students with a unique opportunity to actively engage with this important environmental initiative.

Once their tree is planted, schools can add it to the Million Trees online map and totaliser when it is planted.

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said:  “Tree planting is a great way to teach children and young people about the importance of nature and our natural environment. Not only do trees act like sponges to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere, but they also provide natural flood management, improve soil quality, and increase wildlife habitats and biodiversity.”

“And of course, being out and about among trees and nature improves our health and wellbeing, as well as the environment.”

“Anyone who has planted a tree in Derbyshire since June 2021 can record it on the Million Trees website. From single trees in back gardens to school yard orchards to community projects and large-scale plantings, it’s all adding up and helping to boost the environment and tackle the effects of climate change.”

Vertas Group’s commitment to sustainability is a core value influencing every aspect of its operations.

By supporting this project, we are pleased to contribute to tangible steps to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, and promote biodiversity.

The trees, paid for by Vertas Derbyshire Limited, will be delivered in October/November. Vertas is pleased to collaborate with the local council and schools, working towards a common goal. Supporting this initiative exemplifies the company’s ability to work as a partner, a value at the core of this project.

Rachel Shaw, Head of FM Services at Vertas Derbyshire Limited, said: “Vertas Derbyshire Limited is proud to support Derbyshire’s Million Trees project by providing free trees to primary and secondary schools.

This initiative contributes to Derbyshire County Council’s goal of planting at least a million trees by 2030 to combat climate change and educates young people about the crucial role trees play in our ecosystem.

By participating, schools can enrich their environment and enhance biodiversity. We encourage schools to join this important mission and make a lasting impact on our planet.”

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