Empowering Our Workforce: Vertas Group announces mentoring programme

Submitted by Connie Maddock | 26/07/2024

Vertas Group is pleased to announce the launch of its dazzling new mentoring platform, WeShine, powered by Connectr.

At Vertas Group, we are committed to supporting the professional development of our colleagues. Mentoring plays a crucial role in this, in line with our People Making the Difference Strategy Goals. As part of goal two, the Group strives to provide personalised guidance and foster skills enhancement for colleagues regardless of their roles.

Designed to empower colleagues, WeShine offers a unique mentoring experience tailored to individual needs and aspirations. The new online platform allows mentees to browse mentor profiles and select their mentors based on mentoring style, skills offered, and availability.

A personalised mentoring experience

Using WeShine, colleagues have the flexibility to choose from a variety of mentoring preferences. Whether individuals seek a short-term engagement, a long-term relationship, or ad-hoc advice, the platform is designed to suit various needs.

Mentors are recommended based on colleagues’ preferences and goals, enabling individuals to identify the most suitable mentor to support them in shining their brightest.

Empowering Development Journey

With our new mentoring platform, colleagues remain in the spotlight of their learning and development journey. Mentees have complete control of the process, from selecting their mentor to setting the duration of the mentoring process.

Furthermore, it allows colleagues to seek assistance from a wide range of shining stars across the business, making space for new relationships.

Zara Zurowski, Head of Culture and Policy, said: “We are committed to creating a workplace where colleagues are empowered to reach their potential. We believe mentoring plays a key role in this, contributing to a culture of continuous growth and learning.

Having worked closely with Connectr, we are thrilled to launch WeShine. This platform allows colleagues to take complete control of their mentoring journey and provides a personalised experience suited to the needs of both mentor and mentee. The reception so far has been overwhelmingly positive; we can’t wait to see what is in store for our mentor-mentee partnerships.”

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