Empowering Education: Vertas proud to provide last minute Holiday Activities and Food

Submitted by Connie Maddock | 07/12/2023

Vertas is pleased to continue supporting ASSET Education Trust with Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) after initially providing last-minute catering earlier this year.

In Spring 2023, ASSET Education Trust needed a catering provider to deliver the Government’s HAF programme. Delighted to make a meaningful impact, Vertas Educational Catering swiftly stepped in to provide holiday club feeding and has since supplied over 900 packed lunches for 6 of the 14 schools within the trust, ensuring no child goes hungry over the holidays.

Vertas’ support doesn’t stop there. Colleagues have also donated seeds for growing clubs, and with upcoming live cooking demonstrations scheduled in January at Holton St Peter Primary School, the team has gone above and beyond to provide students with enriching experiences.

In this multi-service effort, Vertas Educational Catering is proud to engage its Fleet team to deliver the freshly prepared packed lunches to schools across Suffolk, ensuring a 360” wrap-around service and providing a first-class service to the Trust.

The initiative aligns seamlessly with the Group’s value of partnership. As a company committed to supporting the local community, collaborating with the Trust to ensure students receive consistent access to nutritious meals reflects Vertas’ belief that delivering excellence is a collective effort.

Furthermore, supporting the Trust exemplifies the company’s ability to be agile, a value at the core of this initiative. Vertas Group is proud to provide cost-effective food and activities for students at short notice, nourishing the communities it proudly serves.

Andrew Roy, Associate Director – Food Services: “We are delighted to provide catering for ASSET Education Trust HAF program. We work incredibly hard to ensure we can supply meals comprised of local, seasonal ingredients that are sustainably sourced. It’s a pleasure to see that even last-minute efforts can have a profound and positive impact.”

Asset Trust: “Vertas and, in particular, Sue Mahoney have gone above and beyond by generously contributing to our schools in other ways as well. They will be delivering a cooking demonstration, allowing students to explore and discover the world of food at Holton Primary. Additionally, they have sent seed packs to three of our schools, further supporting our commitment to the environment and healthy food.

Vertas has worked with us to make activities cost-effective while ensuring that every child can enjoy the enriching experiences provided.”

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