Third year of sponsorship for successful Raising the Bar Awards

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 20/06/2016

Vertas Group Limited is supporting Suffolk’s leading educational improvement and attainment programme – Raising the Bar, by sponsoring for a third year their annual Awards event.

The event sets out to recognise the dedication and hard work demonstrated on a daily basis by our county’s children, young people, teachers, support staff and others.

This year the Vertas Group is sponsoring the ‘Rising Star of the Year’ award category, this award recognises a child or young person that has overcome obstacles or personal barriers to improve their learning.

To recognise children and young people who have made significant progress and have shown real drive to improve their learning outcomes and overcoming any personal barriers towards this.

Ian Surtees, Group Managing Director of Vertas Group Limited, said:

“Being able to support Suffolk’s Raising the Bar initiative is hugely important to the Vertas Group, not only because of our strong service links with the majority of schools in the county; but because the programme is pivotal to the success of our young people in Suffolk and is helping them prepare for successful futures.

“The Rising Star of the Year award recognises those children and young people who have worked tirelessly to overcome obstacles or personal barriers to improve their learning – we as a business feel this is such an important aspect of developing into dedicated and hard-working adults, especially when having to make key decisions regarding further education or a career.

“On behalf of the Vertas Group I want to wish all nominees the very best of luck for their bright futures.”

This category is split into:

  • Early years (0-5 including reception)
  • Primary (Year 1 to Year 6)
  • Secondary (Year 7 to Year 11)
  • Post 16 education/training

Judging for this category will be based on the following:

  • Evidence of significant progress
  • Drive to improve their outcomes overcoming barriers
  • Acting as a role model and positive influence on peers

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