£2k donated to Cancer Research UK through Energy for Good partnership

Submitted by Amelia O'Hanlon | 29/11/2017

Cancer Research UK has received a £2,000 donation from Vertas and Energy for Good; made possible through Energy for Good’s not-for-profit energy procurement framework.

Vertas’ Energy team sought the expertise of Energy for Good when seeking out a new tender for their gas and electricity provision; as they hold the only not-for-profit tender framework available for the procurement of energy.

Energy for Good uses a Dynamic Purchasing System, which operates as a public sector-compliant energy procurement framework. By using this framework, Vertas was able to have access to a competitive, efficient and industry-leading procurement process; whilst bringing huge benefit to its corporate charity of the year – Cancer Research UK.

Nick Edwards, Vertas Group Limited’s Head of Central Services, said:

“We are delighted as a business to be able to bring benefit to the incredibly important Cancer Research UK, our corporate charity.

“As a provider of energy management services, the competitive procurement of gas and electricity forms part of our service provision; with Energy for Good, their not-for-profit stance has allowed us to contribute this donation to Cancer Research UK!

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved with this process; especially Energy for Good for their partnership and support.”

Andy Blake, Energy for Good’s CEO, said:

“We are very pleased that we are able to make this contribution to a very good cause in support of the Vertas nominated charity.”

Nichola Whymark, Cancer Research UK’s Local Fundraising Manager, said:

“We are so very grateful to Energy For Good and Vertas Group for this extremely generous donation. With a donation of £2,000, Cancer Research UK could kit out two PHD students or purchase two sets of high-tech pipettes.

“Cancer Research UK receives no government funding and is solely reliant on donations from our fantastic supporters like Vertas Group and Energy For Good.”

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